We are here to help, give support, to listen and understand. In our Cosy House we want everyone to feel important and unique.
We want to be a meeting point for different generations, so that everyone can get something for themselves, exchange experiences, share knowledge and skills. Children, teens, adults and elderly people -all together. Everyone is important and valuable in Cosy House. During workshops, poetry and literary evenings, concerts, exhibitions and meetings we work on integration and create an intergenerational community.
For us, children are important and we want to give them a sense of belonging and meaning, because, as Jane Nelsen says: “A Child's Primary Goal Is to Belong and to Feel Significant.”
Following Janusz Korczak's idea, we know that “There is no separate category called children, there are just people.”
And for the youngest people we have prepared a variety of classes: art, technical, music, movement and drama activities.
We are aware that: “The greatest talent will die if no one to notices it and no one encourages the child to develop it.” (G. Hüther, U. Hauser)
We want to develop talents and support development through art because: “Education through art prevents boredom, indifference, alienation and mental states that lead to crime and felony.” (I. Wojnar, introduction to: H. Read, "Education through art")
Youth is also very welcome in the Cozy House. We offer culinary workshops, talks about easy and difficult topics, help in solving problems, meeting interesting people, volunteering opportunities. We want to prepare young people for adult life and tell them that: “Whatever you are going to do, whatever you dream about, start working. Courage is the germ of genius; it is a source of strength and magic!” (J.W. Goethe).
And what about adults? We would like to share with them our knowledge and skills. Together with parents, teachers and seniors we want to raise young generation. We will share with parents, among other things, how to be a positive parent or teacher. We will teach how to transmit messages full of courtesy and respect. We would like to share with you with an important message with which we fully agree: “Children behave better when they feel better.” (Jane Nelsen)
We base our actions and ideas on the greatest thinkers. The idea by Janusz Korczak: “I want to learn to understand and love is very close to our hearts.”
We recognize the importance of words by Aleksander Nalaskowski: “Teachers' love for students causes students to increase their self-esteem which makes the student accept himself” which in our opinion are addresses not only to students and teachers.
We want to help other people making them aware that: “We ourselves create our own destiny and whether we will live an interesting life depends primarily on us.” (Rafał Kosik)
We also know how valuable it is to be a good person. This is the reason why we quote these important words: “Find good things inside me and tell me about them, reinforce me in being good.”
With our hands and hearts open we are waiting for you at the Cosy House.